Party planner DEMO-MODE

Your website
Your party website will help in the planning process. You can pick from a number of design templates. Tell your guests about the party program and the dress code and help your friends with good gift ideas. After the party, the website will remain as a source of good memories with photos and videos.

Master of ceremony
Do you already have MC that you want to brag about to your friends and family? Add his or her information here and it will be displayed on your website

Данные праздника
Лучший праздник – это хорошо продуманное и организованное до самых мелочей мероприятие. Чтобы не запутаться в последовательности и не забыть ничего важного, необходимо заранее наметить стратегию и тактику организации праздника.

Service requests
Don't have time to search for party MC, catering or party attributes? Just leave a request for service and the professionals will contact you with their offers.

Budget calculator
The banquet, decorations, party dress, photographer, gifts, all take money. Create a budget for your party and try to stick to it. Add new or remove unnecessary expenses. Budget calculator will help keep party finances under control.

Seating cards
Is your seating chart done? Stylish seating cards will help guests find their seats

Jazz, melodic tango or hot pop hits of today? Invite your favorite musicians and fill your party with irresistible sounds

Learn about all of our planning services in detail. Contact info for support is here for you as well.

The party spirit start with the invitations. Pick your invitation design from our templates, or upload your own. The invitations can be printed and delivered to your guests by hand or post, or they can be emailed and sent through WhatsApp.

Party program
Do you want your party run exactly as you planned? Set your party program anyway you like and publish it on your website!

Seating chart
"John and Pat fight about politics and should be seated far apart. Mike and Liza are flirting, you should give them a chance sitting together. And those three cannot be placed apart, or they will die of boredom". With our seating chart service, you can place your guests which ever way you want.

You can do party planning on paper, write down phone numbers and post notes. Or you can do party planning online, all in one place, available on all your devices. All important and useful information will be at your fingertips.

Your party – your rules! Pick a restaurant from our catalog or add your own. The guests will easily find it and arrive on time.

Guest list
"OK, it is Mary, John, Sue, Pat, your niece Jackie, Bonnie from work, your parents, their dog and grandma. Did you forget anyone?" Having the guest list down will help plan the chairs and food!

Experienced photographer is the key to fabulous pictures. Add your photographer here, or pick one from our catalog of professionals. And don't forget on the party night to put on your brightest smile.